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Global Summit

What is Global summit?

During each summit, we learn a lot of things and are inspired by one another. But the most beneficial element of this summit is the opportunity to communicate with many pastors from different parts of the world. We are the household of God, when we gather, we are all equal. The main atmosphere of the summit is: "No Glory; No Control”

This is a summit intended for "Cell Churches",
So nearly every pastor attending this summit is currently shepherding a Cell Group church. Although each local church has its’ different modes or styles, but they are all Cell Churches. We want to network with Cell Churches all around the world including those in India, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Japan, the Philippines, Canada, the United States, Taiwan, Ukraine, Indonesia, Korea and etc…

This is a summit for the "missions". 
We believe that God has given the Great Commission to the Church and not to missionary organizations alone. We must understand how local churches can participate in mission. Missions is the responsibility and commission God has given to the Churches in these last days. The time is running out! We must understand how others in the local community, as well as in other places around the world are planting churches and be inspired by each other to keep doing this.

This is a Global Summit centred on “Networking".
More and more churches realize that, to complete the Great Commission, we cannot go our separate ways. We need to work together. We want to put together all of our resources and to build relationships with each other.

An important atmosphere of the Global Summit is: "Whatever I ​​have, belongs to you. My church is your church, your church is my church." 
We want to build strong relationships with our local and international church.
Please come and participate in the Global Summit! I believe we will be mutually blessed!

Ben Wong
CCMN Founder

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