Churches x Ordinary People= Extraordinary Church Movement

“I am a frequent participant of CCMN events. Every time I come, I get insights and incentives. It is not just about the updates of world changing situation; but most importantly, it brings us back to the root cause of being a church. It is about holistic church views or some beliefs. It would be futile and sidetracked if we build up a church without these core values. Usually, after some reflections, as we put aside our experience or mode of thought and considering God’s way of doing things, we will know which direction to go.”
Pui Pui is a co-worker of Christ Mission Church which was established 6 years ago. She was a graduate of MTC years ago and is now an active member of Coaching Network and Summit. She wants to stress how important to understand the holistic church view to the church members as it is about the body of Christ and connection. “It is NOT about our own church,” she pinpointed. Besides, to make the weakness strong, she will motivate more brothers and sisters to get involved in missional work by all means.