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Interview in Global Summit 2016_ Smart Team from Japan

“It is a very special, wonderful and great event. Many people from various countries gathered together and remained good relationship,” said Kaori Kunihiro while nodding her head for assurance. This was her third time to the Summit, but it was the very first time she came with her daughter. They both served at the registration counter and the sale counter in the Summit. When working late at night and being very tired, she was so glad to have someone encourage her and stand by her side. What drew her attention even after many sessions and workshops was the situation in the Middle East and the miserable people. Her heart has a soft spot for the people in turmoil since her Short Term Mission to Pakistan. Akane Kunihiro, Kaori’s daughter, took interest to this year Summit by the recommendation from Naomi, the Japan Smart Team member. With the same kind of determination as serving in the post-disastrous zone in Tohoku region, she asked her mommy to go with her as volunteer for Smart Team. “Finally, I learnt that One Body One Church is important,” Akane said firmly. Perhaps, in this case, like mother like daughter, Akane was also touched by the visuals and sharing from the representatives of the Middle East. When being asked what to do next, she resolved to her motto that “do what Jesus wants me to do”.


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