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Let's Stick Together and Serve the Needy

​It was the first time that Father Daniel came to the Summit. He has been in charge of a parish with 35 priests for 7 years from a place in the Middle East. He was happy to be there. While he saw people from different nations loving and being kind to one another, he learnt whatOne Body One Churchmeant. He found the testimony of Gogo from the Southern Thailand very impressive. For so young a man shared in front of the crowd his own struggle. “As the boys in my place are so shy to share their experience with God”, Father Daniel intended to use Gogo’s example to encourage the youngster in his parish.

As many people are caring about the Middle East issue and more collaborations will be made, Father Daniel is open with that and said, “in war time, no matter it is Roman Catholic, Christian or Orthodox, we can stick together and serve the needy.”


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