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A Reflection after STM

Mission is a lifestyle where people’s interaction count.

Ko from Team Shikoku asked himself three questions after interacting with the local pastors, his teammates and the leader during the STM. 1. “Have I ever cared for our missionaries and treated them well? I was treated really well by those devoted pastors and church leaders in Shikoku.” 2. “Did I ever take time to prepare for the unreached before STM? I saw my teammates from different churches making good preparation before going.” 3. “To what extent could I commit to God? My team-leader and a teammate have shown their determination to be long-termers at all costs.”

Ko is the current student of School of Basic Discipleship at HKCC Ministry Training College (MTC). He joined STM out of the fulfillment of MTC requirement. However, the daily interaction in STM has brought a dramatic impact on Ko who now believes, “I am able to contribute for others. The annual STM gathers passionate short-termers, but I can be ready to serve at any time with passion.”


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