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Action Brings Actions - Andy of Kuala Lumpur Team

“I am leading a STM team to walk and serve alongside with the pastor there. I want to see him succeed. After all, CCMN is kingdom-minded,” said Andy, the team leader of Kuala Lumpur (KL) Team, with a clear goal.

Inspired by the compassionate Malaysian village pastor whose story had been retold by Andy’s pastor in Hong Kong, Andy, the co-worker of a church, last year led a DIY team to meet up with the Malaysian pastor in KL in response to the need. By that short trip, he learnt more about the heart of this village pioneer towards the lost young generation. That pastor later paid a visit to Hong Kong and CCMN came up a decision to go to that new spot for the upcoming STM. To smooth things out, Andy became KL team leader and led a team to the village this year.

The team went through very well until Andy’s voice was broken in the middle of the journey. Incapable of speaking up, he had to humble himself and empower his teammates to take up some major roles. For instance, an ordinary teammate took up the role of summon in the end of a meeting, bringing more than 10 people to Jesus. Besides, a talented guitar player was assigned to the post of “Worship-in-Charge” who led worship whenever and wherever there was a need. Their worship did break some spiritual restriction and enlighten people’s mind.

At the end of the STM, Andy encouraged his teammates to lead DIY teams or STMs to revisit the village for support. After all, actions bring impact.


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