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Iwate-HK Connect

Mission is a lifestyle where social events form the context.

Iwate was once a disastrous zone devastated by the tsunami 8 years ago. It is now a mission field to where many workers are devoted their life, some of whom are from Hong Kong. Anxious about the social movement in Hong Kong, the long-termers urged the STM team to bring along some materials and hold fairs for the local to exchange their minds and send back their regards.

Gigi, the leader of Team Iwate explained, “We can sum up our trip in one phrase - ‘Friendship brings us together; Together we make dream come true.’ By building a friendly relationship with youngsters, we show them how our faith holds up to our life.” One of the ways to make conversation easy was to display a collection of around 300 stickers from HK young people, showing their minds through words at Lennon Walls. After all, dare to dream; dare to change.

A foam board full of stickers with handwritten encouragement from Iwate’s friends, the highlight of the team’s booth at the Missional Marketplace, connected hearts of both places via this small team!



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