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Seed of the Mission - Elisha from S. Thailand team

“Just see us plant the seeds of love in their hearts even though we might not see the fruit right now. Maybe a couple of years we may see the fruit of the seed we planted along this mission trip,” said Elisha from US, aged 16, followed her friend to join STM for the first time to Southern Thailand. She particularly amazed at the kind-heartedness of local people whom she mistook them having a fiery temper as shown on TV.

Elisha felt that the best part of the mission trip was about people. “They are awesome. I felt like we are always in unity and together; just lifting each other up and taking care of each other…always being together, joking around each other, having fun, making the best out of situation.”

The team reached out to children by teaching English through games. Elisha’s favorite game was “Telephone” where the first person received an English sentence and passed it down to the line and figured out what it meant in the end.

Thinking back, she recalled the mission night made her clear of what she wanted to do for long term mission in future. “I want to study medicine in University and go out in missions.” It will take a long time to achieve what she wants but she started out well in STM.



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