The Sending Ceremony of CCMN Online Short-Term Mission was successfully celebrated on 18 July 2021. Seventy-five participants from Hong Kong formed eleven Short-Term mission teams to "visit" mission regions. On the theme of this year, "We all need a way out", it encourages participants to take a further step from stucking at traditional way of Short-Term Mission under COVID-19.
Due to epidemic situation, it is quite not feasible to invite all related brothers and sisters in Lord into a venue as usual. On the other side of the same coin, live broadcasting via internet extended participation even to oversea family members of mission teams. In additions, church members of participants proactively launched a whole church gathering in their own church for supporting via live broadcasting as well. Every messages on live chat room were expressing supporting with love to every Short-Term Mission participants in the sending ceremony.
In the Sending ceremony, Ben Wong of the Shepherd Community Church appreciated that Online Short-Term Mission participants are all revolutionaries who got courage to do somethings that have never been done before. He blessed the participants with the strength of jumping out of the box of conservative thoughts. Ben finally reminded the participants to let God speak to them personally in the short-term mission and quoted that "No service is bigger than touching someone's life".
With our best wishes, the eleven Short-Term Mission teams have been dispatched with best collaboration in the body of Christ.